Nature trail
Explore Patty's Barn Nature Trail. There are three woodlands and 6 ponds to find on your way around across a 3 miles route we've mapped out. Take some time to enjoy the seating areas in Patty's Woodland with a book or a picnic and bring along your camera to capture the large variety of birds, plants, and other wildlife to keep a lookout for, from curlews, avocets, hares and deer.
Please Note. Access to Patty's Barn Nature Trail is for guests of Patty's Barn only.
the route
In collaboration with Lancashire Wildlife Trust, we produced 2 seasonal maps of our Patty's Barn nature trail for our guests to observe the changing wildlife and landscapes throughout the seasons.

ever changing
Just like nature, our site is constantly evolving. We are very connected to the land and are continually making improvements to our conservation work across the land. We strive to practice nature-friendly farming and encourage biodiversity and new homes for wildlife to thrive on our land.
In 2012 we established a new woodland and wildflower meadow which is a stable habitat and food supply to hundreds of small insects and native mammals and our own colony of Patty's Barn bees. Each year we plant new trees in our woodlands and around the site and are always exploring new ways to encourage wildlife. In 2020 we took 3 acres out of farm production to rewild, this has created improved wildife corridors between 2 woodlands and a newly planted hedgerow boundary of the area to keep livestock out. Since then we've spotted Kingfishers, avocets and great crested glebes.